Basix by Ixchel Blog RSS

Returning to the Womb: My Temazcal Experience

For most of my 30s, I have found myself in Mexico for my birthday. When I turned 35, my family and I were supposed to celebrate in Tulum but CDC regulations at the time rerouted our plans and that experience never happened. But this year, one filled with the symbolism of 9s - cycles closing, and transformation knocking at my door, I knew it was time. A temazcal is a traditional sweat lodge ceremony used by Indigenous cultures for purification, renewal, and connection to the elements. It is often called “the womb of the earth,” a place where the body, mind, and spirit undergo deep cleansing. The ceremony is guided by a "temazcalero" aka a shaman who leads participants through...

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New Beginnings, Raw Truths, and the BasiX of Life

Happy New Year and welcome to the next chapter of BasiX by Ixchel. I’m so excited to share what’s on the horizon and invite you into this journey with me. We’re embarking on a new era for BasiX. One that’s raw, intentional, and deeply authentic. I'm less focused on "building a brand" and hoping to reignite, recreate and redefine lifestyles. This year is about embracing imperfections, honoring our truths, and creating meaningful connections through every product, story, and experience we share. Why the Silence? Life has been…crippling. Some days, just surviving has taken everything I have. The energy to create, to pour out, to even dream, it’s been buried under the weight of simply trying to keep it all together....

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Does Your Water Source Matter?

Water. An essential component to staying alive. We simply would not be here without it and we often take for granted the access that we have to it.  Question is - does the water source matter?  Absolutely! Water is one of the most contaminated elements and it is typically polluted by humans. Water pollution happens when substances are released into lakes, streams, rivers and oceans and interfere with the beneficial and natural functionings of our ecosystems. Water pollution may also include the release of energy - radioactive or heat into our bodies of water. If we drink, bathe or use this water, what do you think happens? Those chemicals and energies are transferred to us. Now, we all know that energy...

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