Does Your Water Source Matter?

Water. An essential component to staying alive. We simply would not be here without it and we often take for granted the access that we have to it. 

Question is - does the water source matter? 

Absolutely! Water is one of the most contaminated elements and it is typically polluted by humans. Water pollution happens when substances are released into lakes, streams, rivers and oceans and interfere with the beneficial and natural functionings of our ecosystems. Water pollution may also include the release of energy - radioactive or heat into our bodies of water. If we drink, bathe or use this water, what do you think happens? Those chemicals and energies are transferred to us. Now, we all know that energy is real. It has been a trendy word for some time now. “Match my energy”, “Protect your energy”. Well, that energy doesn’t just exchange with interpersonal interactions. It is within us and can be altered by what we allow to consume our bodies and cells. The overexposure of toxic chemicals and elements are the root of our toxicity (along with unresolved trauma but that’s a topic for another day).  Did you know that people who consume fruit or vegetables that were exposed to contaminated water are at risk of developing a food-borne illness? Our agriculture is suffering because of thriving contaminants. Pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, heavy metals, toxic chemicals are all introduced to our plants, fruits, veggies and livestock via water. 

If you are drinking water out of plastic bottles, frequently drinking purified water, tap water (in most areas) or even thee “popular” alkaline water, you are most likely dehydrated. PERIOD! When drinking out of plastic, our cells absorb all the microplastics and not the essential minerals. Water is supposed to have trace minerals in it that our cells, organs and bones need. Purified water is free of said minerals and because of this, continuous consumption induces a rapid loss of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride) and trace minerals like magnesium, deficiencies of which can cause heart beat irregularities and high blood pressure. Alkaline water is water with sodium bicarbonate aka baking soda in it to raise its PH. The water source is unknown which means it could very well have contaminants in it and if it is bottled in plastic, well, you catch my drift. Too much alkalinity may also agitate the body’s normal pH, leading to metabolic alkalosis

So, knowing all of this I’m sure you’re wondering “Well, what type of water can I drink?!” Don’t worry, I've got you. Here are a few ways to decrease your contaminant water exposure and get hydrated! 

Spring Water 

Spring water provides much needed oxygen to the body and the brain, aids in good digestion, helps us maintain a healthy weight, and tastes great but again, you want to avoid any plastic bottled spring water. The best kind to buy is Mountain Valley Spring Water. Why? It is bottled in glass and comes straight from a spring in the Ouachitas so it naturally has each and every trace mineral our body needs for cellular hydration. Don’t believe me? I encourage you to do your own research. 

Refillable Reverse Osmosis Water Stations

Wholefoods is a great place to get big gallons of reverse osmosis water for your home. Although it is very inexpensive at 35cents per gallon, keep in mind that A LOT of water is wasted this way. You also may need to add trace minerals back into this water to give it some structure. ::Tip: Add a pinch of pink Himalayan salt for trace minerals or organic chia seeds and lime to structure your RO water::

Home Filtration Systems

The most sustainable option is to invest in a filtration system (No, not a Brita pitcher). AquaTru or Berkey are great systems to look into. Yes, they are a bit pricey ($200-$300) but are worth it in the long run. 

When figuring out the best option for you and your family just remember, health is wealth and there are certain necessities that we must stop cutting corners with. Yes, bottled waters at Costco or Kroger are cheap but if we are consuming unnatural, contaminated water our cells cannot receive the minerals needed to maintain health and homeostasis. Which means we will continue to be on a steady decline to chronic illness. 

I also encourage you to look at the water flowing through the pipes in your home. You’ll be very surprised by what’s in it and at such alarming levels.

Check out to find out what’s in your local water.

Then after you do, I suggest you also invest in a water filter for your shower and bathtub too. Remember, your skin absorbs up to 60% of what it comes in contact with. Let that sink in... (pun intended)

Water is a vital part of life. It is unfortunate that we do not have FREE access to clean sources but with the proper knowledge and research, you can make impactful choices.

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