Basix by Ixchel Blog — lifestyle RSS

Does Your Water Source Matter?

Water. An essential component to staying alive. We simply would not be here without it and we often take for granted the access that we have to it.  Question is - does the water source matter?  Absolutely! Water is one of the most contaminated elements and it is typically polluted by humans. Water pollution happens when substances are released into lakes, streams, rivers and oceans and interfere with the beneficial and natural functionings of our ecosystems. Water pollution may also include the release of energy - radioactive or heat into our bodies of water. If we drink, bathe or use this water, what do you think happens? Those chemicals and energies are transferred to us. Now, we all know that energy...

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Ditch & Switch: Adopt a slow living concept with the BasiX

If the 2020 pandemic taught us anything it is that as a society, we need to s -l-o-w  d -o -w -n. It also taught us that nurturing ourselves, our loved ones & our universe (Mother Earth) is exceptionally important to living a quality life- or life at all. It's shown us that we need change - systematically, medically & socially. Our beauty and fashion industry are huge contributors to many of our global issues such as water pollution, carbon emissions, overuse of harmful toxic chemicals and most of all, unfair labor practices. Every time we shop fast fashion, we are contributing to the very issues plaguing our global society on a day to day basis. BasiX by Ixchel isn’t about...

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